When Gumberg Librarians are not available, 24/7 Chat librarians can assist with your research.
To receive research assistance via 24/7 Chat:
- Explain your research question, and what you are looking for.
- Have the Gumberg Library website open on your browser. You will need to log into Duquesne research databases because the 24/7 Chat Librarians cannot access them directly.
- Make sure you have downloaded Zoom so that you can screen share with a librarian. Find more information on our Zoom guide.
- The librarian will send you a link to begin screen share. After Zoom launches, the librarian will permit you to share your screen.
- Provide your email address so a librarian can provide follow-up assistance if needed.
Note: 24/7 Chat Librarians cannot access your Duquesne account to help with overdues, returns, renewals, etc., but you can email your questions to ask@duq.libanswers.com